1. How to set up a private channel?
Go to the Channel "🔛 › Create a Private Channel [GO HERE]❗".
Remember, you just can create one when you already achived the "Verified" Group, its a green flame.
You get it when you being active in the server!
1. How to assign Groups to yourself?
Click on the right top corner on the button saying "USER DASHBOARD".
Then hover over "Your Account" under the Sysmo Logo in the dashboard, after that just click on "Change Groups".
2. How to bookmark the server?
In the Teamspeak 3 Client, look at the above Toolbar and click "Bookmark". After that just click "Add to Bookmarks", finished! You're done, you've bookmarked our server. To automatically access our server, click Bookmarks and then select sysmo.pro!
3. How to silence a person?
Click on that PPM person and then select "Mute Client".
4. How do I set up remembering the password for a given channel?
While on the channel, go to "Settings -> Options -> Security", then check "Save channel passwords".
5. Is there an annoying problem with the microphone that results in other Users not hearing you
Go to "Settings -> Options". In the "Capture" and "Capture Device" fields, select "Microphone".
6. How do I save my ID?
Go to "Settings -> Identities", then select your identity from the list and click "Export". This file should be saved to any portable drive or cloud.
7. How do I retrieve my saved ID?
Go to "Settings -> Identities", then select "Import". Find the file with your ID and then load it into TeamSpeak.
8. How to add a person to your friends?
Click PPM per person and select "Add as Friend".
9. How do I get a Clan?
You must have at least 6-10 regular online people on your channel. More information can be obtained from the Help Center or message a admin. You find information about Online Admins in the channel " 💂 Staff Online: 1" in the description.
10. How do I set my avatar?
Click PPM on yourself and then select "Avatar Set".
11. How to adjust the volume of a given User?
Click PPM per person, then select "Change Volume" and set the appropriate dB value.
12. How to write a private message?
Click 2x per person, or PPM and select "Open Text Chat".